Bucket Creation in PoINT Archival Gateway: Workflow and Functions

Before an S3 application can store objects on a tape storage system with PoINT Archival Gateway (PAG), a so-called object repository has to be created in PoINT Archival Gateway. An object repository is a kind of container for objects with overall configuration options. PoINT Archival Gateway does not limit the …

Storage infrastructure sustainability through tape integration with intelligent software

As data volumes grow, so do storage infrastructures, and this encounters companies with major challenges. Initially, the resources have to be provided and integrated. Cost considerations are usually the first priority here. However, the increasing data volumes and correspondingly larger infrastructures also lead to higher energy requirements and more CO2 …

Independence for the Tape Library: Tape Integration via S3

The growth of unstructured data is one of the major challenges for enterprise IT departments. The enormous volumes of data require more storage capacity year after year. The infrastructure requirements are very high: The storage solution must meet high demands when it comes to performance and availability. Tight budget constraints …

Bring multiple clouds together under one namespace with Scality Zenko and PoINT Archival Gateway

For some time now, businesses have avoided relying on just one cloud provider, instead working with various services depending on the use case. This multi-cloud approach reduces dependencies, increases flexibility and helps optimize costs. When it comes to storage services, for example, a company could use an on-site S3 object …